Meyyappan Nagappan

Partner, Trilegal

Meyyappan Nagappan

Meyyappan Nagappan

Partner, Trilegal

Meyyappan Nagappan is a Partner at Trilegal. He is a Pemanda Monappa  Scholar  and  has  graduated  from  Cambridge University with a Masters of Law specializing in International Taxation and economics.

He does a mix of transactional, advisory, policy and litigation work. He has done award winning work acting as lead transaction counsel for non-profits on complex impact bonds , structuring and negotiating technical assistance grants for impact investment funds, first loss guarantees, climate finance, social  stock  exchange  and  advising  on  blended  finance structures. He has been invited to be part of World Bank Taskforces  on  Innovative  Finance  and  UNDP  Sustainable Finance initiatives as an expert.

He has advised several top technology companies on tax structuring,  policy  issues  and  litigation  strategy covering international tax, direct tax and GST. He has provided expert opinions before foreign courts on digital tax issues and published academic articles and book chapters on taxation of digital economy, impact investments and bitcoins. He also advises on tax aspects of Mergers and Acquisitions, investment funds and private wealth matters.

Prior to joining Trilegal, he worked in the Chambers of Mr. Mohan Parasaran, Solicitor General of India between 2010 – 2014; and was involved in some of the landmark international taxation disputes including the Vodafone Indirect Transfer tax case



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